How Large Will Your Print Marketing Materials Need To Be?

If you run a business that relies heavily on producing a lot of printed marketing materials, from basic business cards, brochures, and flyers to more complex signage and marketing displays, you’re probably already well aware of the cutting process for the printing equation.

For example, you may be fully accustomed to seeing your company’s printed materials come off the press at a size that looks a little “off”. In this case, you need to cut or trim these materials to the desired size – but what machine should you use to do the job?


What is a digital cutting table?

As Digital Printer magazine says, “cutting is probably the most common finishing operation,” and it should come as no surprise to you that the market has opened up to professional machinery fads that can get the job done in a particularly efficient and hassle-free manner.


IECHO PK Automatic Intelligent Cutting System

This is especially unsurprising when you consider the many different ways in which printed marketing materials may need to be cut. Wide-format graphics such as decals and signs may need to be cut in some complex way before they are ready to be shipped, while things like tickets and vouchers will need to be perforated – a kind of partial cut.

Naturally, digital cutting machines have been introduced in many different models and configurations to suit. However, for business owners who need a digital cutting table, this great diversity does pose a question for you: Which one should you choose? The answer depends on your specific cutting requirements.


What materials will you use?

No matter how loose or strict your printing obligations are, you should choose a digital cutting table that can manage as many different materials as possible. You can source this versatile machine from a well-known brand in the printing equipment sector – such as IECHO.


Applications of IECHO PK Automatic Intelligent Cutting System

Fortunately, these days, most cutting tables can handle a variety of materials – including vinyl, cardboard, acrylic, and wood. As a result, digital cutting tables can handle paper with particular ease, and many of your print marketing materials can eventually be produced from them.


How big do your print marketing materials need to be?

Only you can answer that question – and determine whether you need to print wide or narrow media on sheets or rolls – or on both sheets and rolls. Fortunately, digital cutting tables are available in a variety of sizes, enabling you to find the right one for whatever application you have in mind.


Getting the most out of your cutting table’s digital components

A particularly important advantage of choosing a digital cutting table is the ability to use software that can streamline your workflow. The right pre-production software that integrates seamlessly with your table can help you eliminate errors and reduce waste. Taking the time to decide on the right digital cutting table set up for you can help you save time later on with the cutting itself.


Want to know more?

If you are looking for the perfect digital cutting table, check out IECHO Digital Cutting Systems and visit and welcome to contact us today or request a quote.

Post time: Nov-15-2023
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